/script> Anatomy (해부학)에 대해서 알아보기(2)
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Anatomy (해부학)에 대해서 알아보기(2)

Elbow anatomy

1. Capitulum of humerus

2. Coronoid process

3. Epicondyle, radial ( lateral)

4. Epicondyle, ulnar ( medial)

5. Humeroradial joint

6. Humeroulnar joint

7. Humerus

8. Intercondylar fossa

9. Olecranon

10. Olecranon fossa

11. Radial head

12. Radial neck

13. Radial tuberosity

14. Radioulnar join, proximal

15. Trochlea of humerus

16. Trochlear notch of ulna

17. Ulnar tuberosity




Forearm anatomy

1. Olecranon

2. Radial head

3. Radial neck

4. Radial styloid process

5. Radioulnar joint, distal

6. Radioulnar joint, proximal

7. Radius

8. Ulna

9. Ulnar styloid process



Wrist anatomy

1. Cpitate

2. Carpometacarpal joint

3. Distal radioulnar joint

4. Hamate

5. Hook of the hamate

6. Lunate

7. Metacarpal bones 1-5

8. Pisiform

9. Radiocarpal joint

10. Radius

11. Scapho-trapezio-trapezoid(STT) joint

12. Scaphoid

13. Styloid process of radius

14. Styloid process of ulna

15. Trapexium

16. Trapezoid

17. Triquetrum

18. Ulna


Hand anatomy

1. Capitate

2. Carpometacarpal joints

3. Distal interphalangeal joint

4. Distal phalanges

5. Distal radioulnarjoint

6. Hamate

7. Hook of the Hamate

8. Lunate

9. Metacarpal bones 1-5

10. Metacarpo-phalangeal joints

11. Middle phalanges

12. Pisiform

13. Proximal interphalangeal joints

14. Proximal phalanges

15. Radius

16. Scaphoid

17. Sesamoid bones (of Thumb)

18. Trapezium

19. Trapezoid

20. Triquetrum

21. Ulna



Pelvis anatomy

1. Acetabulum

2. Anterior inferior iliac spine

3. Anterior superior iliac spine

4. Coccyx

5. Femoral head

6. Femoral neck

7. Greater trochanter

8. Hip joint

9. Iliac crest

10. Ilium

11. Inferior pubic ramus

12. Ischial spine

13. Ischial tuberosity

14. Ischium

15. Lesser trochanter

16. Obturater foramen

17. Pubis

18. Sacroiliac joint

19. Sacrum

20. Superior pubic ramus

21. Symphysis pubis



Hip anatomy

1. Acetabulum

2. Anterior inferior iliac spine

3. Anterior superior iliac spine

4. Femoral head

5. Femoral neck

6. Femur

7. Greater trochanter

8. Hip joint

9. Ilium

10. Inferior pubic ramus

11. Ischial spine

12. Ischial tuberosity

13. Ischium

14. Lesser trochanter

15. Obturator foramen

16. Pubis

17. Superior pubic ramus



Femur anatomy

1. Acetabulum

2. Femoral head

3. Femoral neck

4. Femur

5. Greater trochanter

6. Ischium

7. Lateral femoral condyle

8. Lesser trochanter

9. Medial femoral Condyle

10. Patella



Knee anatomy

1. Fabella

2. Femoropatellar joint

3. Femorotibial joint, lateral compartment

4. Femorotiblal joint, medial compartment

5. Femur

6. Fibula

7. Fibular head

8. Lateral Femoral condyle

9. Lateral Patellar joint

10. Medial femoral condyle

11. Medial patellar joint

12. Patella

13. Proximal tibiofibular joint

14. Tibia

15. Tibial spine

16. Tibial tuberosity




Tibia anatomy

1. Femur

2. Fibula

3. Fibular head

4. Lateral femoral condyle

5. Medial Femoral condyle

6. Patella

7. Patellar tendon

8. Proximal tibiofibular joint

9. Talus

10. Tibia

11. Tibial tuberosity



Ankle anatomy

1. Calcaneus

2. Fibula

3. Lateral malleolus

4. Medial malleolus

5. Navicular

6. Posterior process of talus

7. Posterior tibial process

8. Talar head

9. Talar neck

10. Talus

11. Tibia

12. Tibiofibular syndemosis



Foot anatomy

1. Calcaneus

2. Cuboid

3. Distal interphalangeal joint

4. Distal phalanx

5. Fibula

6. Intermediate cuneiform

7. Lateral cuneiform

8. Lateral malleolus

9. Medial cuneiform

10. Metatarsal bones

11. Metatarsophalangeal joint

12. Middle phalax

13. Navicular

14. Proximal interphalangeal joints

15. Proximal phalanx

16. Sesamoids

17. Talar head

18. Talar neck

19. Talus

20. Tarsometatarsal joint

21. Tibia

22. Tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal

23. Tuberosity of the navicular